Saturday, January 29, 2005

One favourite love poem!

A man and a woman sit
among firs, looking eastward.
Sun is rising. Wind
from behind them lifts
them and carries them
over the fir needles.
They whirl, and the motion
carries them
down through the narrow
opening at the center.
Through it each must
pass, with toes curled out,
arms thrown back,
all shame gone.

Robert Bly

garlic and the cross

...the laughing recognition of one's own absurdity in the human comedy bans the devil as effectively as garlic and the cross...
James Hillmann_

Monday, January 17, 2005

opinion droppings...

exercise of the day : let's drop all opinions for a day and deal with humans without opinion...what's left to "do" when you have no opinion?If anybody tries please let me know...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Unique Magazines#1

If we talk about good news, here's one of my best :
Philosophy, religion, politics, poetry, photography, short stories, readers write and more...
Not to forget : There has been no advertisement in this magazine for the past 30 years!!!

stReet dAnce?

greek police observes our street happenings...
human subject practicing "urban-non-utilitarian-movement"
That was on May 29, 2002,

Friday, January 14, 2005

local utopias

one more blog
this one in english
my search for "good" news forces me to create a "virtual space"
if I can't find the good news I have to join the minorities
the minorities of "good" news creators and distributors
I'll try to expose as many "good" news as I can
Or maybe just communicate for what needs to be communicated
From precision I jumped to uncertainty
"Sorry"about that...
Warmest greetings from the cold cyberspace!

Link of the day :
Subject : philosophy of copyright / copyleft