I will be studying from Mai 25th through 28th for my Art, Movement & therapy programme : the organicity... Grotowski you know? Diving into the laws of sensitive drama... After that I will go to Thessaloniki/Greece to present an excerpt of apnea with my fellow dancers! It will be for the Balkan Arts Market on June 3d...More news after that...Warmest greetings from space!
Well, on my 3d seminar on Art, Movement & Therapy our teacher Martine de Nardi practiced EMPATHY with us in...real time! An everyday expression for it : being "open" towards a person... Alternative healing today is based a lot on empathy. People (:us...) need to experience "connectedness", to have our voice heard, to share silent complicity...Touch the body with no judgement and communicate our intention to heal in a non-volontary manner...KEEP PERCEIVING!