2009-09-26_Street performance in Antananarivo, originally uploaded by speedykoala. How to dance when there are thousands of street kids around?
The opening of the festival i Trôtra (pronounce the "r" the american way) is on september the 30th. I worked with young, non professional, dancers this time and it was a moving experience. Bernardo Montet worked with the professional dancers. In one of the poorest countries in the world with high corruption I have the chance to realize once more, how deeply existential dance is. The urgency to create newtopias, even ephemeral, and live them through embodiment is a state of "freedom" and a source of inspiration; inspiration to live through regimes like the one in Madagascar and have visions of a "better" world...
Freedom in greek : ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ, means openness to that which will come; openness to the unknown...
In the picture you see dancers with street kids...For more pics go here : Flickr-Madagascar