time management demands attention...
plus!when you're in love time flies!!!
priorities : love, consciousness, dance (transmission)
I'm studying integral theories for the moment and wishing you wisdom!!!
(Pic from my project with a primary school...)
culture, ecology & local utopias
-Kofi Annan, 19 June 2006
Despite the clear need for the Human Rights Council to strengthen the Special Procedures, several states are instead proposing changes that would cripple the ability of Special Procedures to promote and protect human rights effectively.So now it's our turn for a festival : Transchorégraphique 2!
20-24 of February 2007 in Tours / France.
The following artists will challenge our artistic orientations :
Sophiatou Kossoko, Ivo Dimchev, Christophe Fiat, Vincent Dupont, Grand Magasin, & Tal Beit-Halachmi
For more info (in french) look here : CCNT
(Same as for Brest : If you are in London there are low cost flights to Tours with Ryan air!)
Contact Zoé on 0207 697 4444 or zoe(at)shobanajeyasingh.co.uk