Monday, December 15, 2008

Dance in Chile

Third and last day of the workshops taught by Bernardo Montet and Dimitri Tsiapkinis in the University of Santiago / School of the Arts.
Sharing experience, mouvement and dance theories.
We also participated in a conference about Bernardo's approach to dance with video excerpts, and also about the role of National choréographic centers in France.
We conluded the conference with a dance improvisation between me and the Chilian musician Pajaro.
We were assisted by Andrea Muñoz who also captured the image of this note.
I will stay for one more week to visit Santiago, Valparaiso and Serena.
May the space be with you! :-)

Para aquellos interesados aquí es una bibliografía :
* Ken Wilber : Breve historia de todas las cosas. Barcelona. Kairós. w4.
* Le mouvement dans tous ses états. Eve Berger, 1998. Editions Point d’Appui (Français)
el sitio web de la Danis Bois Método (Inglès, Français et portugués) :
* un text de James Hillman en espagnol :
* James Hillman : SpD94a La Cultura y el Alma Animal. Trans. Maria J. Bustamante. Caracas: Fundacion Polar. Engl. D97d.

(Para más propuestas, me contacto a través de este blog después 5 enero 2009 :-)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some good news for us all!

Yes! We are less greedy than a few years ago!
Africa will take a nice deep breath from the 1 billion € the EU agreed to give!
More info here :

Photo (CC) par Michael Sarver

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Liste of urgent actions!

Dear friends, I know most of us suffer from info pollution and some even from Cognitive Overflow Syndrome (info here).
I have read about info saturation before but I heard about this term (C.O.S.) in the very impressing performance of Thomas Ferrand in our festival "Danse d'éxistence, Danse de Résistance"...
So while our festival is still going and I'm dancing tonight Apertae by Bernardo Montet, I urge you to participate in the following actions, without having to go to many places :
2. Ask Obama!

And some good news : marine conservation in Hong Kong

Photo (CC) by kelvin255

The Good Consumer

Work less, gain less, live better...
November 29 : BUY NOTHING DAY!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Promises & poverty!

Excerpt from the avaaz site :

This week world leaders gather at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Here, all focus is on a multi billion dollar bailouts of financial institutions and the real untold scandal -- global poverty -- risks being forgotten. France, Canada, and Italy are threatening to slash their development aid budgets and break their promise to assign a mere 0.7 % of national income to the world's poorest. If these countries retract on commitments, others may follow -- it’s time to raise the alarm.

Click here to sign for a better world : poverty_promise_breakers

Photo (CC) by foko_madagascar

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sharing dance in Madagascar

My first week in Antananarivo in Madagscar is full of creativity and emotion...
I'm teaching young dancers from the island and a few from the African continent and it's a very warm hearted group. We dive into body consciousness together and then, progressively, into high energy mouvement behaviour...There follows an improvisation course and they make me dream away!
The workshop was organized by the Cultural Center Albert Camus and the CCNT.
Bernardo Montet will join me to finish the workshop together but also to dance his solo "Batracien, l'après-midi"!
Of course there are also "negative" emotions when seeing the poverty in the city...Apparently there are 25000 homeless here... :-(
How much energy and food do we spend, and on what?
Living conscioussly becomes more & more urgent, but I also keep receiving good news!
The world is changing! Keep creating your utopias!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My news...

This past week I spent time in Paris for a conference named Body in Action and for dance classes.
Body in Action was organized by the College de France and it was dedicated to the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. I did not attend the second day for it was very dense and most information concerned neurophysiology research : my expertise was far from enough! One participants, Anne Fagot-Largeault was very inspiring though, and suggested concepts that reminded me of the Integral Theory! And then I took a few dance classes : from release technique to fusion-modern jazz! Ah...dancing!!! Poverty, humanity, richness, spirit was there in Paris...Like everywhere else...There's work to be done!

Photo (CC) by : skinr

Save food quality in USA

For my American friends : Here's a petition to stop quality degradation of food & water in the world! Petition :

And if you want to be always well informed on 21st century health matters check this site and sign up for their newsletter :

Photo (CC) by : kool_skatkat

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to basics!!!

The basics for life (?) : Water, oxygen, and love

"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication..."

Drink water! Of course too much water is dangerous also, but usualy we're chronically thirsty...Read interview here :
and find out why "it's fair to say that pharmaceuticals, as packaged by modern medicine, are the third leading cause of death in this country"

Photo (CC) par malla_mi

Finality Over Fairness!


Protect Life & take action : Amnesty USA

Human rights issues do not concern only China!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Good news from Dell!

This blog began as a place for good news : proof that humans are able to create newtopias without being trapped by local fatalisms and misery...
Here you have an article of how even big companies like Dell can make a difference : Dell for a greener planet!

Photo (CC) by : danielguip

Thursday, August 21, 2008

love your sun?

Ok! I'm back from Greece, tanned and i will never use sunscreen again!
I do not pretend to know why sunscreens are not "good" but my intuition and the following article made me decide so : organic lifestyle magazine

Friday, July 18, 2008


By tomorrow I will be in Nikiti and occasionally in Thessaloniki, in Greece.
I wish you wonderful vacations full of inspiration!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rape camps : stop them!

It's really urgent!
Let's give up a few $ to save thousands of women from Sudan's rape camps!
See info here : avaaz darfur
What is human in the 21st century?

Photo (CC) by : par hdptcar

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I just saw the Boto : beautiful creatures living in the Amazon river...
I had to go straight and pay at the WWF site. No more "no money" excuses...
We define our priorities...Last year I prefered to give to survival-international.
And these "beautiful people" Zo'e who love life and work only 2 hours a day!
Human cultural diversity needs some of our attention!
LIFE above the urge to dominate!
Yes I know : domination has been a part of LIFE's "game"...
You decide....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Global Action for Zimbabwe

As violence escalates due to President Mugabe's ruthless efforts to stay in power and crush the opposition, hope fades for free and fair elections. The people of Zimbabwe are suffering from intimidation, torture and other horrific abuses such as rape and food deprivation.

Sign now to condemn the acts of violence occurring in Zimbabwe: Petition

Photo (CC) by : babasteve

Monday, June 23, 2008

Support this greenpeace activist!

Tokyo, Japan — Japanese police have arrested two Greenpeace activists for exposing a whale meat scandal involving the government-sponsored whaling programme. The two activists, Junichi Sato, 31, and Toru Suzuki, 41, are being investigated for allegedly stealing a box of whale meat which they presented as evidence.

Click here to sign : Greenpeace petition

Photo (CC) by : NOAA via pingnews

Friday, June 20, 2008

1000 pieces...

This weekend I participate as a dancer in the improvisations of 1000 Morceaux collective (musicians).
It is...midsummer night dreamscapes!
Musical & dance experimentations in the Chapelle St. Anne in Tours.
Enjoy the space!

Photo by : Mauricio Cordero

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

SAVE the Greek landscape!

The Greek government is trying to pass a Spatial Plan for Tourism, under which big real estate projects throughout the country, will be subsided by state funding. Already, hedge funds are buying big pieces of land especially in virgin Aegean islands in order to make use of this Spatial Plan regulations. Greece is facing the threat of repeating the spanish epxerience. We fear that if this Spatial Plan is signed the Aegean islands will be savagly urbanised sucrificing their landscape, biodiversity and cultural heritage.
Please help us block this Spatial Plan for Tourism by signing the petition:

Thank you in advance!
Kriton Arsenis
Regional Planner- Economist MA Harvard
Head of Environmental Policy and the Aegean
ELLINIKI ETAIRIASociety for the Environment and the Heritage of Greece
28 Tripodon st., 10558, Plaka, AthensTel: ++30 210 3225245 (9)Fax: ++30 210 3225240E-mail:

Saturday, May 03, 2008

tears for love?

"The woman who is separated from her lover spins at the spinning wheel.
The Baghdad of the body rises with its towers and gates.
Inside it the palace of intelligence has been built.

The wheel of ecstatic love turns around in the sky,
and the spinning seat is made of the sapphires of work and study.

This woman weaves threads that are subtle,
and the intensity of her praise makes them fine!

Kabir says: I am that woman.
I am weaving the linen of day night and day.

When my Lover comes and I feel his feet,
the gift I will have for him is tears."

Ecstatic Poems Versions by Robert Bly)

Photo (CC) by :
by Rickydavid

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Joy of the sparrow!

I just wanted to share with you my joy of feeding the sparrows at Montparnasse station in Paris!
This reminds me what I read today in the brochure of my car's insurance company, which is awesome : they had an article about boredom and it said that it is important for our growth and wellbeing!!! Plus, that it is a characteristic of Latin and Mediterranean that is being chased away by the frenzy of Anglo-Saxon speed culture! Hmmm...was that French people speaking? ;-)

Photo (CC) by : par pasotraspaso

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Human life?

Spirit, intelligence, or existential genius - call it as you wish - may be expressed in very complex ways...Rationalizing and interpreting another culture by standards that only express the dominant culture does not seem to guaranty anything else than opinion-ism or narcissistic supremacy...Bla, bla, bla...If you "love" humans here is one of today's suggestion to act : Bushmen in danger

Photo (CC) by CharlesFred

Friday, March 28, 2008

Don't burn food: biofuels standards now!

Increased demand for biofuels is driving up food prices and accelerating climate change, as rainforests are destroyed to grow fuel. But with strong global sustainability standards, we can ensure that biofuels help, rather than hurt.

This weekend, the twenty biggest economies, responsible for more than 75% of the world's carbon emissions, will meet in Chiba, Japan to begin the climate change discussions leading up to the G8 summit this summer. Before the summit, let's send our leaders messages urging the adoption of global standards for biofuels.

Sending your message is easy. Click HERE : AVAAZ!
Photo (CC) by : robseattle

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I love China!

I love China
I love Tibet
I love signing for THEM : avaaz petition

Photo (CC) by : cromacom

Monday, March 17, 2008

Once more for the Seals!!!

Here's one petition to protect the seals from human unconsciousness : humane society

By the way : I will be in Martinique for about a week! I'm going to visit my love!
I'm leaving tomorrow.
For those of you who speak french or greek check my french-greek blog for more news : xenosoma

Enjoy the space between thoughts...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Gold economy? Cow's milk is for baby cows...

I don't trust milk...But hey! It's a huge economy based on it! Let people make their "living"...
For the rebels, check here : article.

Photo (CC) by : cromo

Sunday, March 09, 2008

much to learn...

I posted an excerpt from the Non Violent Communication book because we desperately need it...(See previous post)
I keep seeing suffering around me because of lack of consciousness in the intersubjective communication. I don't only see it around me, I experience it in my private life also...We still have much to learn...

Let's keep breathing....

Photo (CC) by : Dhammza

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Center for Nonviolent Communication?

This book is a treasure for human suffering! Here's an excerpt :
"what evidence is there that we have adequately empathized with the other person? First, when an individual realizes that everything going on within has received full empathic understanding, they will experience a sense of relief. We can become aware of this phenomenon by noticing a corresponding release of tension in our own body. A second even more obvious sign is that the person will stop talking..."

Non violent communication / A language of compassion, by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Photo by : Lastexit / Vanessa

Saturday, February 23, 2008

the world is changing...

They did it!
They apologized to the australian aboriginals...
I had tears in my eyes reading the speech : Here

Photo by : BotheredByBees (Flickr)

awake & dreaming

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart . . .
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dance in Marrakech...

Between sensorial intelligence, undefined spirituality and dance audacity the fencer moves...
Contact and love through dance...
I will be performing Tsolias in the Marrakech dance festival : On Marche 2008...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fencer with no sword...

Fighting against the the centre of Tours.
Occasionaly accepting the flow of things,
the Fencer keeps asking :
who is the Self?

He will be asking this question also in Marrakech the 25th of January.

Photo by : A.M.Pernot

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New year

According to the dominant culture it's 2008!!!
With an urge for Togetherness (love?)
I wish you lots of extraordinary stimulation
to the multiplicity of your local intelligence!!!
(the non local intelligence doesn't bother much...).
Big Mind & Big Heart!

PS: The picture is Creative Commons but I lost the author's info : Sorry!